Conference “Cause, conseguenze e memoria della pandemia che colpì l’Egitto e il regno ittita nel XIV secolo a.C.”.

15 | 11 | 2020

November 24th , 2020, 6.00 pm

On Tuesday 24 November  2020, the Museo Egizio of Turin presents the online conference entitled “Cause, conseguenze e memoria della pandemia che colpì l’Egitto e il regno ittita nel XIV secolo a.C.”.  The lecturers, Professor Stefano de Martino (Department of Historical Studies at the University of Turin, Director of the Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e Scavi di Torino), and Professor Christian Greco (Director of the Museo Egizio of Turin) illustrate from the historical and archaeological points of view the pandemic which, starting from the Levantine area, struck the Hittite and Egyptian armies, spreading in the Near East during the XIV century BC.

For more information: Web Link